Reduce the purchasing power of a person's True Religion Outlet goods in the economic sphere, can be regarded as a subtle gesture to combat the high-consumption society, jeans supposed to be a long time to wear True Religion Jeans Online out and only need to update, and now intends to break cowboy openly wear out, and shows a contempt of the high-consumption society. Denim manufacturers began to develop the use of broken (or old, faded) jeans epidemic, the hole in jeans when they began producing manufactured in or before the sale at the factory hood and jeans wash mill for the old , "this blatant resistance symbol, will incorporate these symbols to dominate sexual system, which intended to deprive the meaning of any kind of confrontation".
In other words, when True religion sale broken jeans as a commodity mass, its symbolic significance has been a True Religion Jeans shift by a "resistance" into "trendy". At this time, broken, rotten, "has become a cowboy decorative style. Its social dimension, economic dimension of significance has been gradually transformed into clothing on the aesthetic level of significance. In this transformation process is not exhausted its "ugliness" of life "naturally ugly" objective nature, and forms processing and decorative significance level after level to in the form of garment decoration, decorative, personalized, connotation, and symbolic metaphors, they make jeans decoration ugly dress image has a certain dress aesthetic value. Is needed here is the original as "confrontational symbol" broken cowboy subculture class denim True Religion Jeans Online True Religion jeans sale manufacturers "just right" to "broken" denim production, and became fashionable items, they are not consciously consumption "of these goods.
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